Quiz Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The content of our assessments / quizzes, such as graphics, images, text and all other materials are copyrighted by Rob Archer unless otherwise noted, and are provided for reference and educational purposes only.

Information We Collect

The data collected from our assessments /quizzes is collected with consent, and includes e-mail addresses, IP addresses, work status and some basic personal information. By submitting personal information, you grant Rob Archer the right to transmit, monitor, retrieve, store and use your information in connection with the operation and development of our assessments and reports.

How we use your information:

  • To personalize your experience and provide you with tailored outcomes and reports
  • To improve and build on the services we offer.
  • To assess the impact of our programmes, by comparing it to data collected out with our online assessments.
  • To provide group-level insights of the current challenges your group / industry might be facing.
  • For research purposes – to assess the impact of our services and to create benchmarks.
  • Anonymised group-level impact data may also be used for marketing materials.
  • To provide updates, follow up information, or to answer enquiries from service users.

Data Storage

All data is collected through online data management systems: Typeform. These accounts are only accessible by nominated Rob Archer personnel through a password-protected system. Data extracted for collation, analysis or presentation purposes are stored on Rob Archer servers and devices, which are only accessible by Rob Archer personnel through a password-protected entry. If for any reason, you would like your data to be deleted or if you would like access to your original data, please contact us at any time. Rob Archer treats any individual’s data in the strictest confidence. We work to comply with the recent GDPR regulations and you can find our latest GDPR Privacy Policy on the High Performance Routines website.


Our website uses “cookies” to determine the number of times a page on the website has been accessed.

Finally, participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw from the assessment / quiz at any time.

By using highperformanceroutines.com, you agree to our Cookie Policy.