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“The feedback was so unanimously positive that we are now working with Rob across the whole of ITV"

“The first word that comes to mind is wow! To see such a thought provoking program developed by Rob, I was absolutely inspired!"

"I can count on less than one hand the number of people I would recommend…Rob is at the top of that list."

"The help we have had from Rob has allowed the team to identify and implement marginal gains…the team performs better as a result."

"Rob's knowledge and insights really helped people take control - and this was a contributor to our ability to grow the organisation 20-fold in 4 years."

“Rob delivers with expertise, energy and humour. Using science and theory, he ran a practical, action based session for our senior Exec team.
The feedback was so unanimously positive that we are now working with Rob across the whole of ITV”
Dame Carolyn McCall – CEO ITV Group

“The High-performance routines concept has been very impactful to me; my team and my family. The concept really enabled me to develop myself to a better manager and leader. I could implement lots of the routines at an individual (professional and private) and team level. This shows up by increased individual and team performance, less felt overload and better wellbeing across every individual and as a team”
Nicolas Lother – Chief Product Officer

“I can count on less than one hand the number of people I would recommend…Rob is right at the top of that list.”
Simon Rogerson – CEO Octopus Group

Trusted by:

“When I come across gold dust like this, I bring them into the company and work with them for a very long time”
Kirstie Hawton – People Director Octopus Group

“The help we have had from Rob Archer has allowed the team to identify and implement marginal gains in individual performance to aid recovery and improve performance through the season. The project has been taken up enthusiastically by those involved and the results are clear. The team performs better as a result.”
Ciaron Pilbeam – Head of Trackside Engineering, Renault F1 / Alpine F1 Team

"People said it was the best course they’d taken at the firm."
"Rob has presented for us three times. Each time he brings new insight and energy to the room and our attendees love him. They always leave his sessions more relaxed and smiling."
Dawn HudginsSr. Vice President Service Delivery, ILTA 
“The work that we’ve done with Rob, personally I don’t think there is anything that’s come before it that has had as much of an impact as it has.”
Pete WaddinghamTerminals Delivery Director, Heathrow 
"Our team thought Rob was excellent, he helped them identify key challenges they were facing and provided practical tools in managing anxiety, maintaining high levels of performance and structuring yourself for success. We would highly recommend Rob, he was brilliant."
Yassen SoussiGroup Human Resources Director, 1000 Heads Group 
"The session was absolutely brilliant! The thank yous are still pouring in and Jacqui just told me she attended and loved it. Thank you so very much!! I also really appreciated your way of acknowledging workload (because you're right, things like this can only help so much if that's the context)..."
Senior Learning ManagerFinancial Services 
"The team loved the practical emphasis of the session and in particular the focus on 'marginal gains' felt like there are things we can do that can make a real difference. Brilliant session, thank you."
Managing DirectorInvestment Banking 
"Rob - thanks so much. I have had so many emails about how people valued your session and have had a lot of random discussions about the cat in the corridor!"
Senior Vice President(Assistant General Counsel) 
"Was a fantastic session - I think everyone took away a lot to work with. I definitely did. Also, perhaps some of the highest engagement we've had in a firm wide session."
AssociateInvestment Banking 
"Rob, the amount of positive feedback has been tremendous already. Thank you for your session and as always your generosity as a facilitator. I don't know about you but I feel like I heard a silent sigh of corporate relief that we addressed this topic as a firm."
Head of Talent DevelopmentInvestment Banking 
I have had the pleasure of seeing Rob present a keynote speech. He is, without a doubt, an expert in his field but he is also an expert engager! He is dynamic in his delivery, engaging in his content and he connects with his audiences. Even though I have technically seen the same content I walk away with something of value, every,single,time!
Rachel WashingtonConsultant